

From E-Commerce to Virtual Commerce: The Exciting Opportunities of Virtual Shopping

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Pfeiffer, J. (2023). From E-Commerce to Virtual Commerce: The Exciting Opportunities of Virtual Shopping. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 15(2) 10-17.



Prof. Dr. Jella Pfeiffer
Publication title
From E-Commerce to Virtual Commerce: The Exciting Opportunities of Virtual Shopping
NIM Marketing Intelligence Review

From E-Commerce to Virtual Commerce: The Exciting Opportunities of Virtual Shopping

Keywords: Virtual Commerce, Virtual Consumer Experience, Virtual Shopping, Metaverse

Virtual commerce has the potential to transform the shopping experience. It is highly interactive and can create immersive experiences when consumers wear head-mounted displays. Benefits include increased telepresence, better size and proportion judgement, customizable shopping environments, highly personalized decision support and social interaction opportunities. Technological advances in VR hardware, such as improved display resolution and reduced motion sickness, contribute to a more seamless and enjoyable shopping experience. These benefits can lead to higher purchase rates. However, there are also privacy concerns due to the many ways in which data can be collected. While the future of VR shopping is difficult to predict, AR applications are already well established. Tech giants, research institutions, and startups will play a critical role in shaping the future of virtual commerce.


  • Prof. Dr. Jella Pfeiffer, Professor of Business Administration and Information Systems, University of Stuttgart
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