

Generative AI for Marketing Content Creation: New Rules for an Old Game

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Heitmann, M. (2024). Generative AI for Marketing Content Creation: New Rules for an Old Game. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 16(1) 10-17.



Mark Heitmann
Publication title
Generative AI for Marketing Content Creation: New Rules for an Old Game
NIM Marketing Intelligence Review

Generative AI for Marketing Content Creation: New Rules for an Old Game

Keywords: GenAI, Marketing Content Creation, Marketing Productivity, Content Quality

Finding the right content determines success in diverse marketing activities and functions. The trade-off between quantity and quality of content defines the productivity frontier of marketing. Every organization has limits to how much content it can produce. Expanding quantity comes at the expense of quality and vice versa. With GenAI, this trade-off suddenly breaks down and the frontier of content quantity and quality continues to expand. Three main avenues emerge: driving quantity without compromising quality, driving quality without reducing quantity and driving both quantity and quality simultaneously. Navigating in this new field is tricky and comes with diverse challenges. Marketers need to experiment with AI tools and regularly adapt organizational structure and roles. Harvesting the true power of GenAI often entails exposing models to company-specific data and then fine-tuning these for the desired objectives. With open mindsets, strong learning interest and the ability to see beyond the horizon, marketers have much to gain in both efficiency and effectiveness.


  • Mark Heitmann, Professor of Marketing & Customer Insight, Hamburg University
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