

Neuroscience Goes Virtual: How to Measure Consumers’ Responses in Extended Realities

Suggested Citation

Bigné, E. (2023). Neuroscience Goes Virtual: How to Measure Consumers‘ Responses in Extended Realities. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 15(2) 42-47.


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Enrique Bigné
Publication title
Neuroscience Goes Virtual: How to Measure Consumers’ Responses in Extended Realities
NIM Marketing Intelligence Review

Neuroscience Goes Virtual: How to Measure Consumers’ Responses in Extended Realities

Keywords: Consumer Neuroscience, Sensors, Extended Reality, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Metaverse

The metaverse and extended realities offer new avenues for studying consumer behavior. Consumer neuroscience tools are being utilized to understand interactions in these virtual spaces. The 3S framework (Stimuli, Sensors and Signals) provides a foundation for applying these tools. Stimuli can be manipulated to study brand choices, and sensors capture physiological responses such as heart rate and facial expressions. Different interface devices like monitors, smartphones and head-mounted displays offer varying immersion levels and sensor compatibility. Augmented reality requires minimal additional technology, while virtual reality allows detailed tracking of user interactions. Mixed reality combines both. Applications of extended realities in consumer research include pretesting products and designs, virtual try-on experiences and analyzing the impact of virtual presences. The available technology and ongoing advancements present exciting opportunities for understanding consumer behavior in virtual and augmented spaces.


  • Enrique Bigné, Professor of Marketing, Universitat de València
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