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Pauwels, K., & Reibstein, D. (2023). The Modern Marketing Dashboard: Back to the Future. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 15(1), 10-17.

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Professor Koen Pauwels,
David J. Reibstein
Publication title
The Modern Marketing Dashboard: Back to the Future
NIM Marketing Intelligence Review
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The Modern Marketing Dashboard: Back to the Future

Keywords: Dashboards, Metrics, Marketing Accountability, Performance Drivers, Decision-Making

An effective dashboard integrates data, processes and viewpoints to show what happened, why it happened and what could happen with the right remedial action. It serves as a communication tool for what is important to the organization and helps to align all parties to the right objectives. It also serves as an aid in decision-making and goal attainment and the pathway to get there. The dashboards of the future need to be dynamic and constantly adapting to changing market conditions.They should include the long-term effects of marketing spending. Artificial intelligence has already made great strides in automating parts of dashboard development and can write out human language stories based on statistical evidence. AI can generate graphs and allow dashboard users to verbalize hypotheses to be tested in follow-up research.


  • Professor Koen Pauwels, NIM Research Advisory Board, Northeastern University Boston, MA, USA
  • David J. Reibstein, Professor of Marketing, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA
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Pauwels, K., & Reibstein, D. (2023). The Modern Marketing Dashboard: Back to the Future. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 15(1), 10-17.

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