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Zürn, M., Buder, F., & Unfried, M. (2023). Brand Purpose and Brand Success. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 15(1), 54-59.

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Dr. Michael K. Zürn,
Dr. Fabian Buder,
Dr. Matthias Unfried
Publication title
Brand Purpose and Brand Success
NIM Marketing Intelligence Review
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Brand Purpose and Brand Success

Keywords: Brand Purpose, Profit, Purpose Beyond Profit, Customer Benefits, Third-Party Effects, Net Promoter Score

Beyond striving for financial success, the purpose of a business can be the creation of customer benefits but also positive third-party effects—a purpose beyond profit. Quantifying a company’s purpose beyond profit is no easy task, but it is highly relevant. The presented perceived purpose score is an example of a validated and theoretically grounded quantification of brands’ purpose from a consumer perspective. The authors found a positive correlation between the NPS and brands’ perceived care for third parties, supporting the assumption that engagement with social or environmental causes can pay off. This research lays the foundation for a more systematic, rigorous investigation of purpose beyond profit.


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Zürn, M., Buder, F., & Unfried, M. (2023). Brand Purpose and Brand Success. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 15(1), 54-59.

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