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Pauwels, K. (2015). Truly Accountable Marketing: The Right Metrics for the Right Results. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 7(1), 8-15.

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Professor Koen Pauwels
Publication title
Truly Accountable Marketing: The Right Metrics for the Right Results
NIM Marketing Intelligence Review
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Truly Accountable Marketing: The Right Metrics for the Right Results


Marketing Accountability, Marketing Metrics, KPI, Marketing Measurement



Marketing accountability is essential for sustained organic growth, but the challenges loom large.  The major steps include defining the right results, using the right metrics and finally acting upon the insights for truly accountable marketing. To identify the right metrics one has to start with defining the right results: What is the decision that needs to be informed?
But getting data based answers to key questions is only half the battle. Actually acting upon it, is the other half and often companies are reluctant to change. To create momentum marketing and finance need to pull together and the selected metrics need to be useful to both mindsets. Other proven ways to overcome resistance to data based recommendations include gradually moving to the proposed optimal allocation and demonstrating the real-word gains in field experiments.
Companies that succeed in establishing truly accountable marketing improve and smooth recurring and quantifiable decisions, have more time for scanning the environment for new opportunities and can take smarter risks.


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Pauwels, K. (2015). Truly Accountable Marketing: The Right Metrics for the Right Results. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 7(1), 8-15.

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