

Purpose Beyond Profit: Things That Matter When Millennials Go Job Hunting

Suggested Citation

Buder, F. & Kittinger-Rosanelli, C. (2021). Purpose Beyond Profit: Things That Matter When Millennials Go Job Hunting. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 13(2), 50-55.


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Dr. Fabian Buder,
Dr. Christine Kittinger-Rosanelli
Publication title
Purpose Beyond Profit: Things That Matter When Millennials Go Job Hunting
NIM Marketing Intelligence Review

Purpose Beyond Profit: Things That Matter When Millennials Go Job Hunting

Keywords: Millennials, Values, Career Motives, Job Motivation, Survey, Leaders of Tomorrow


In a survey of future leaders, millennials answered what motivates them in their careers. Having a positive impact on society was the most important measure for career success, followed by working on interesting and fascinating projects. The classical measures of career success such as a high salary, extensive decision-making authority, leading a large team or power over people were reported to be much less important. A significant proportion of the respondents said they decided not to apply for initially interesting job openings or even turned down interesting job offers if an employer did not fit their values. The Leaders of Tomorrow see a need for lasting change that effects all operations and traditional business models. Companies that fail to increase their efforts now may risk missing the boat for the future. Those who fail to establish a purpose beyond profit will shrink their talent pool.


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