Managing Editor, NIM Marketing Intelligence Review
Dr. Christine Kittinger-Rosanelli
Christine earned her Magister in Business Administration and Doctorate in Marketing at the Leopold-Franzens-University in Innsbruck. After working as Marketing and Quality Manager at a bank for 7 years, she returned to the Marketing Department as Assistant Professor. In 2009, she started her current position as Managing Editor of the NIM Marketing Intelligence Review (formerly GfK Marketing Intelligence Review). She is also a lecturer at the Department of Marketing, Branding and Retailing of at Innsbruck University where she has been teaching a broad range of subjects, including communication, pricing and digital retailing in undergraduate programs.

Selected publications
- Kittinger-Rosanelli C. (2020) Von der Spanischen Grippe zu Corona: Pandemien einst und jetzt, in: Corona – Lehren aus der Krise. Nürnberg Institut für Marktentscheidungen e. V., Nürnberg
- Wiertz, C. & Kittinger-Rosanelli, C. (2021). Illuminating the Dark: Exploring the Unintended Consequences of Digital Marketing. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review 13(1), 10-17.
- Gaspar, C., Dieckmann, A., Neus, A., & Kittinger-Rosanelli, C. (2021). Challenges for human trust in a connected and technology-driven world. Voices of the Leaders of Tomorrow 2021. Nürnberg Institut für Marktentscheidungen & St. Gallen Symposium.
- Buder, F. & Kittinger-Rosanelli, C. (2021). Purpose Beyond Profit: Things That Matter When Millennials Go Job Hunting. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 13(2), 50-55.