Interview with Jacob Wedderburn-Day, CEO und Co-Founder of Stasher (2020). Hosting Bags Instead of People. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 12(2), 52-55. DOI:
Hosting Bags Instead of People
Interview with Jacob Wedderburn-Day, CEO and Co-Founder of Stasher – The World’s First Luggage Storage Network
For many travelers, the problem is familiar: You check out from Airbnb and your flight is not till later. So you have time to still enjoy a city, but you’re stuck with your luggage, which stops you from really taking advantage of it. At this point, Stasher comes in. Stasher is the world's first international luggage storage network. Customers in many cities, mainly in the UK and Europe but also in North America, can now easily and inexpensively book short-term storage for their luggage 24/7 on the platform via the app. What’s more, they can do this locally, and not only near a train station or airport, with the chance for a nice chat plus insider advice on the area.