Academic Papers
Compensatory versus noncompensatory models for predicting consumer preferences
People often use heuristics when making decisions. Greedoid algorithms can be used to identify lexicographic heuristics, for example.
Analyse von Meinungen in sozialen Netzwerken des Web 2.0
In social networks, users exchange opinions about products. How can text mining make it possible to extract these opinions automatically?
Process and E-Service Customization – For Coordination in Healthcare Networks
Coordination in healthcare networks is becoming increasingly important. How can the concept of process-based e-service logistics help?
Individualisierung von Prozessen und E-Services mithilfe von Case Based Reasoning
A CBR system for the individualization of processes and e-services is presented, which can be used in service-oriented architectures, am...
The usage of AI to support knowledge assessment
Measuring knowledge is becoming an important factor for companies and management. But up till now no prevailing model for knowledge ...