
Suggested Citation
Suggested Citation

Schicker, G., Kaiser, C., & Bodendorf, F. (2007). Individualisierung von Prozessen und E-Services mithilfe von Case Based Reasoning. Wirtschaftsinformatik Proceedings 2007, 43, 713–730.

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Prof. Dr. Günther Schicker,
Dr. Carolin Kaiser,
Prof. Dr. Freimut Bodendorf
Publication title
Individualisierung von Prozessen und E-Services mithilfe von Case Based Reasoning

Individualisierung von Prozessen und E-Services mithilfe von Case Based Reasoning

This publication is available only in german language


With increasing competitive dynamics, shorter strategy and product life cycles, and increasing individualization of services, the requirements for flexibilization of the process and IT landscape are rising in order to ensure efficient implementation of new business strategies. At the same time, new technologies and standards such as Web services and service-oriented architectures (SOA) enable the ICT implementation of flexible value creation systems. A concept for the individualization of processes and e-services using case-based reasoning is presented. Based on process context information, suggestions for individualized processes and supporting e-services are automatically generated. The approach allows efficient domain-oriented modeling and e-service support of individual processes on the basis of a service-oriented architecture.


  • Prof. Dr. Günther Schicker, Department of Information Systems, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • Dr. Carolin Kaiser, Head of Artificial Intelligence, NIM,
  • Prof. Dr. Freimut Bodendorf, Department of Information Systems University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany


Head of Artificial Intelligence

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Suggested Citation

Schicker, G., Kaiser, C., & Bodendorf, F. (2007). Individualisierung von Prozessen und E-Services mithilfe von Case Based Reasoning. Wirtschaftsinformatik Proceedings 2007, 43, 713–730.

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