
Suggested Citation
Suggested Citation

Schicker, G., Kaiser, C., & Bodendorf, F. (2008): Process and E-Service Customization – For Coordination in Healthcare Networks. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, 161–166, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.

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Prof. Dr. Günther Schicker,
Dr. Carolin Kaiser,
Prof. Dr. Freimut Bodendorf
Publication title
Process and E-Service Customization – For Coordination in Healthcare Networks

Process and E-Service Customization – For Coordination in Healthcare Networks


Coordination in healthcare networks becomes increasingly important. A process-oriented coordination approach is introduced which enhances integrated care scenarios by an IT-driven coordination of interorganizational treatment processes – the concept of process-based e-service logistics. The allocation of e-services is based on a model describing services and coordination tasks between roles in a healthcare network. The underlying system’s architecture is presented which implements process-based e-service logistics by designing and executing individual treatment processes, identifying coordination tasks between network actors and dynamically allocating e-services. A solution for automated individualization of processes and e-services based on Case Based Reasoning (CBR) technology is discussed.


  • Prof. Dr. Günther Schicker, Department of Information Systems, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • Dr. Carolin Kaiser, Head of Artificial Intelligence, NIM,
  • Prof. Dr. Freimut Bodendorf, Department of Information Systems University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany


Head of Artificial Intelligence

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Suggested Citation

Schicker, G., Kaiser, C., & Bodendorf, F. (2008): Process and E-Service Customization – For Coordination in Healthcare Networks. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health Informatics, 161–166, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.

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