
Suggested Citation
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Schertler, M., & Kaiser, C. (2005). Der Einsatz von KI-Techniken zur Bewertung von Wissenskapital. Arbeitspapier Wirtschaftsinformatik II, 3

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Prof. Dr. Freimut Bodendorf,
Dr. Carolin Kaiser
Publication title
The usage of AI to support knowledge assessment

The usage of AI to support knowledge assessment

This publication is available in German only


Measuring knowledge is becoming an important factor for companies and management. But up till now no prevailing model for knowledge assessment has been developed. Moreover, the existing models suffer from numerous problems. This working paper starts with some prominent problems in knowledge assessment and pro-poses the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches to solve them. First each AI approach is briefly characterized. After that the usage of AI to support knowledge assessment is described in detail. An example illustrates the course of action for each AI approach. The paper ends with a summary of all presented methods.



Head of Artificial Intelligence

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Suggested Citation

Schertler, M., & Kaiser, C. (2005). Der Einsatz von KI-Techniken zur Bewertung von Wissenskapital. Arbeitspapier Wirtschaftsinformatik II, 3

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