Interview: Recreating Intimacy With Connected Consumers
DownloadStephen, A., & Ahmad, Y. (2017). Recreating Intimacy With Connected Consumers. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 9(2), 48-53
Interview: Recreating Intimacy With Connected Consumers
Interview with Yasmeen Ahmad, Think Big Analytics Director at Teradata in London, UK
In the good old days shop managers knew their customers personally and were able to tailor offerings to their needs and desires. But how can we create meaningful moments for connected consumers in global markets? Yasmeen Ahmad explains how, in digital times, data fill in. Smart algorithms help generate insights and enable real time action to provide the right product and service to the right customer at the right time. Companies that don’t want to be left behind a digital elite need to remain close to their customers across multiple digital touchpoints. Being capable of reading, interpreting and acting upon consumers’ traces is a prerequisite.
- Andrew T. Stephen, L’Oréal Professor of Marketing and Associate Dean of Research, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, England,