Consumer Climate Summit powered by NIM

27 November 2024 in Berlin
(Participation by invitation only)

Consumer climate in focus: This is the state of consumption in Germany

For decades, the GfK Consumer Climate has been considered one of the most important indicators of consumer behaviour and one of the key signposts for economic development in Germany. Despite recent improvements in real incomes, consumer sentiment remains cautious and hesitant. Why?

TOPICS of the Consumer Climate Summit powered by NIM::

  • Categorising the current economic situation and consumer sentiment
  • Reasons behind the subdued consumer sentiment
  • Analyses of optimists and pessimists
  • Influence of the US elections on the consumer climate
  • Forecasts for the upcoming Christmas season
  • Top expert panel ‘Consumption in Germany - what does it take for a turnaround?’

Rolf Bürkl (consumer climate expert, NIM) and Prof. Marcel Fratzscher (President, DIW Berlin) will present in-depth analyses of consumer sentiment and the economic situation in Germany in their keynote speeches.

In addition to Mr Bürkl and Mr Fratzscher, top-class guests such as Peter Altmaier (former Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy), Godo Röben (REWE Advisory Board and former Managing Director of Rügenwalder Mühle) and Christoph Werner (CEO, dm-drogerie markt) will then discuss the question ‘Consumption in Germany - what does it take for a turnaround?’ in our panel of top experts.

Moderated by ZDF journalist Dunja Hayali, the Consumer Climate Summit will focus on exciting debates about the future of private consumption as a key factor for Germany's economic development.

NOTE on participation: As the number of places is limited, participation is only possible with a personal invitation.

High-calibre experts at the Consumer Climate Summit:

Sandra Lades

Head of Communication and Events