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  • On Trust in Honesty and Volunteering among Europeans: Cross-Country Evidence on Perceptions and Behavior

Suggested Citation

Dieckmann, A., Grimm, V., Unfried, M., Utikal, V., & Valmasoni, L. (2016). On Trust in Honesty and Volunteering among Europeans: Cross-Country Evidence on Perceptions and Behavior. European Economic Review, 90, 225–253.


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Prof. Dr. Anja Dieckmann,
Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm,
Dr. Matthias Unfried,
Dr. Verena Utikal,
Dr. Lorenzo Valmasoni
Publication title
On Trust in Honesty and Volunteering among Europeans: Cross-Country Evidence on Perceptions and Behavior

On Trust in Honesty and Volunteering among Europeans: Cross-Country Evidence on Perceptions and Behavior


We conduct an experimental study among European citizens regarding cross-cultural perceptions related to trust in two dimensions: volunteerism and honesty. We use representative samples from five major economies of the Euro area: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Spain. We find that European citizens rely on nationality to infer behavior. Assessments of behavior show a north/south pattern: participants from northern countries are perceived to be more honest and to provide more effort in a volunteering game than participants from southern countries. Actual behavior is, however, not always in line with these assessments. Assessments of honesty show strong evidence of social projection: Participants expect other European citizens to be less honest if they are culturally closer to themselves. Assessments of volunteerism instead show that both northern and southern Europeans expect higher performance in northern than in southern European countries.



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