Kaiser, C., Ahuiva, A., Rauschnabel, P., & Wimble, M. (2016). Sind Facebook-Markenbilder ein Zeichen von Markenliebe? Proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium on Corporate Branding, Identity, Image and Reputation, London, United Kingdom.
Prof. Dr. Aaron Ahuvia,
Prof. Dr. Phillipp A. Rauschnabel,
Matt Wimble
Are Facebook brand pictures a sign of brand love? – A study on visual eWOM
A vast number of photos are shared on social media. Every day, an average of more than 350 million photos are uploaded to Facebook alone. These include many photos featuring products and brands. The question for market researchers is: what do these photos say about attitudes and feelings toward brands? Are these brand photos a sign of brand affection? A recent study conducted by the GfK Verein and the University of Michigan-Dearborn tackles these questions.
- Dr. Carolin Kaiser, Head of Artificial Intelligence, NIM,
- Prof. Dr. Aaron Ahuvia, University of Michigan-Dearborn
- Prof. Dr. Phillipp A. Rauschnabel, Professorship for Digital Marketing and Media Innovation, University of the Bundeswehr Munich
- Matt Wimble, Suffolk University, Sawyer School of Business, 73 Tremont St., Boston MA 02108, USA