
  • Events
  • Conference on Innovation and Product Development Management

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Dr. Matthias Unfried

Conference on Innovation and Product Development Management

“One strike and I'm out – trust in AI-based decision systems” at the IPDMC 2022

At the IPDMC the achievements, challenges and development of the field of Innovation and Product Development Management are reflected through academic paper presentations, challenge sessions, industry engagement, academic keynotes and roundtable discussions.

The focus of the 2022 conference is “Innovation in the Era of Climate Change” and covers a broad range of established and emerging topics relevant to innovation and product development.

Matthias Unfried, together with his cooperation partner Prof. Elena Freisinger present results from the project “One strike and I'm out – trust in AI-based decision systems” from an innovation perspective.

After presenting their work, the project team was invited by the Conference Board and the Scientific Committee to submit their paper to the Journal of Product Innovation Management

Learn more about the project



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