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The Attitude-Behavior Gap in Sustainable Products

Examining the Discrepancy between Consumers' Green Attitudes and Purchasing Behavior

Green consumerism, the tendency to express the value of protecting the environment through one's purchases and consumption behavior, is considered an important consumer trend. However, in many shopping situations, these attitudes do not translate into actual green purchasing behavior1. While consumers may support the idea of green consumption, factors such as price sensitivity, perceived inconvenience, or doubts about the authenticity of environmental claims may hold them back, a phenomenon known as the "attitude-behavior gap.

Understanding these barriers is critical to developing more effective marketing strategies. The challenge for marketers and product developers is to bridge the gap between positive consumer attitudes toward sustainability and purchase decisions. Without a clear understanding of these barriers, companies risk investing in green innovations that fail to meet their sales potential.

The primary objective of this study is therefore to better understand this gap and to identify the underlying reasons that prevent consumers from aligning their attitudes with their purchasing behavior in the context of sustainable and organic products. Understanding the dynamics of this gap is critical to addressing unmet consumer expectations and improving market adoption of green products.

Research Questions

The project aims to answer the following research questions

  • What are the primary factors contributing to the attitudinal-behavioral gap in green and organic consumption? What are the most common barriers that prevent consumers from purchasing green products despite their positive attitudes?
  • How do demographic factors (e.g., age, income, education) influence the gap, and are certain consumer segments more prone to this behavior?
  • Which product categories are most affected by the attitude-behavior gap, and why are certain green products avoided in favor of conventional alternatives? The project aims to answer the following research question:

Cooperation partner

  • Prof. Dr. Corinna Hempel


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