NIM Marketing Intelligence Review – Concept and Editorial Policy

The NIM Marketing Intelligence Review is directed at managers and all decision-makers who are interested in new research findings, current marketing topics and emerging marketing trends.

The journal is published twice a year and is designed as a special issue. Each issue features a current topic in marketing and market decision-making. The articles present academic research and findings that are implemented for practical use. They provide marketing knowledge and impulses from top international experts for the marketing business – along with the aim of improving market decisions.

Editorial Policy

Each issue focuses on a specific topic of high relevance for the marketing community. A different guest editor is appointed for each issue and is responsible for selecting state of the art research contributions that deal with different and diverse aspects of the issue topic.

Selection of Topics

The topic of each issue is selected by the Advisory Board of the NIM Marketing Intelligence Review (NIM MIR). The Advisory Board further suggests possible guest editors for each issue. The editors are renowned marketing scholars from all over the world. They are experts in the respective field, have published in top marketing journals and are invited by the NIM to compile the issue.

Selection of Articles

The NIM MIR features research that has been published in top tier marketing journals before. The guest editor selects scholars and authors with recognized publications on the desired topics. These researchers are then invited to contribute a managerial version of their research, following the guidelines of the journal. The journal does not have article processing charges nor article submission charges.

Uninvited submission of articles cannot be considered.


All contributions undergo extensive review by the editorial team and by peers. The review process aims at insuring a managerial focus and the use of everyday rather than academic language.


Dr. Christine Kittinger-Rosanelli

Managing Editor, NIM Marketing Intelligence Review

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