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  • Model-assisted analysis, simulation and forecasting with consumer panel data: The GfK Brand Simulator.

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Wildner, R. & Scherübl, B. (2005). Modellgestützte Analyse, Simulation und Prognose mit Verbraucherpaneldaten: Der GfK Brand Simulator. Jahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 51(4), 332-354.

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Professor Dr. Raimund Wildner,
Birgit Stoltenberg
Publication title
Model-assisted analysis, simulation and forecasting with consumer panel data: The GfK Brand Simulator.
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Model-assisted analysis, simulation and forecasting with consumer panel data: The GfK Brand Simulator.

Keywords: Marketing mix model, consumer panel, forecast, simulation


Marketing mix models model a relationship between marketing mix variables (e.g. price, distribution, advertising expenditure) and target or outcome variables (e.g. market share) that is as close to reality as possible. The paper first discusses existing marketing mix models before presenting a new model based on scanner data from a consumer panel. The data input and the model structure are described, the model quality is discussed and some possible applications are shown. Finally, the paper shows the limitations of the model and possible further developments.

The paper is available in German only.



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Wildner, R. & Scherübl, B. (2005). Modellgestützte Analyse, Simulation und Prognose mit Verbraucherpaneldaten: Der GfK Brand Simulator. Jahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 51(4), 332-354.

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