Academic Papers
Neue Technologien
Comfort with social robots in the pre-interaction phase: a field experiment with customers of a retail bank
This study explores how proactive versus passive designs of a social robot influence user comfort and intention to engage in a retail bank.
Navigating Trust in the Digital Realm: Trust in AI and Customer Relations
How do Digital Sales Assistants impact consumer trust?
Behavioral Science
Market disruption, innovation, and uncertainty
Market disruptions can cause decision-makers to resist innovation due to distorted risk perception and regret.
Robot Shopping Assistants
We investigate how an emotional vs. rational robot design influences consumers’ trust and purchase decisions.
The Role of Eye Contact in Human-Robot-Interaction
This research paper investigates the function of an anthropomorphic cue (eye gaze) in the context of a virtual financial advisory setting.
Gesellschaftliche Trends
The power of information from a consumer perspective
Das Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft hat ein verpflichtendes staatliches Haltungskennzeichen eingeführt, das Auskunft über
The influence of Generative AI on information search and retrieval in consumer decision-making
This research investigates how GenAI applications impact consumers' information search and retrieval processes in purchase decision making.
Digital Sales Assistants in ‘Bricks & Clicks’
We aim to get a better relative understanding of the impact of Digital Sales Assistants' features when considered jointly.
Three Dimensions of Brand Purpose
Brand purpose has been firmly advocated as a fundamental requirement for winning the favor of today’s apparently more discerning consumers
The AI Augmented Crowd: How Human Crowdvoters Adopt AI (or Not)
We study AI adoption of crowd innovators. We find that adoption increases over time and that sharing success stories accelerates adoption.
Decision Support in Tourism through Social Robots
This study investigates how tourists perceive tourism recommendations provided via social robots.
Designing In-Store Navigation Systems in Physical Retail
We explore in-store navigation systems.
How much is the (labelled) pig?
Cem Özdemir, Bundesminister für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, hat ein verpflichtendes staatliches Label für die Tierhaltung...
Marketing in the metaverse – opportunities and barriers for the creation of marketing value
Viele Konsumgütermarken erkunden bereits das Potenzial des Metaversums für ihre Marketingaktivitäten.
AI as a strategic leader? On the role of intelligent machines in strategic marketing decisions
Wie wird KI genutzt, um strategische Marketingentscheidungen zu treffen?
Conversational Agents With Voice: How Social Presence Influences the User Behavior in Microlending Decisions
We investigate how social cues, used to anthropomorphize assistance systems, like conversational agents, influences the behavior of users.