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Buder, F., Dieckmann, A., Manewitsch, V., Dietrich, H., Wiertz, C., Banerjee, A., Acar, O. A., & Ghosh, A. (2020). Adoption Rates for Contact Tracing App Configurations in Germany. NIM Research Report.

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Dr. Fabian Buder,
Prof. Dr. Anja Dieckmann,
Dr. Vladimir Manewitsch,
Holger Dietrich,
Caroline Wiertz,
Aneesh Banerjee,
Oguz A. Acar,
Adi Ghosh
Publication title
Adoption Rates for Contact-Tracing App Configurations in Germany
NIM Research Report
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Adoption Rates for Contact-Tracing App Configurations in Germany

The study determined the acceptance rates or download-readiness for different app configurations. The study was conducted in collaboration with the Cass Business School in London.


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Suggested Citation

Buder, F., Dieckmann, A., Manewitsch, V., Dietrich, H., Wiertz, C., Banerjee, A., Acar, O. A., & Ghosh, A. (2020). Adoption Rates for Contact Tracing App Configurations in Germany. NIM Research Report.

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