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Buder, F., Hesel, N., & Heimstädt, A. (2024): Beyond the Buzz: Creating Marketing Value with Generative AI. Research Report, Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions.

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Dr. Fabian Buder,
Nina Hesel,
Arjen Heimstädt
Publication title
Beyond the Buzz: Creating Marketing Value with Generative AI
NIM Research Report
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Beyond the Buzz: Creating Marketing Value with Generative AI

Insights from a NIM study of 600 marketers from Germany, the UK, and the USA

ChatGPT has catapulted generative AI into the spotlight, making it one of the most talked-about business topics virtually overnight—promising to revolutionize marketing by simplifying the creation of personalized content, enhancing data analysis with unprecedented precision, and optimizing strategies and decisions. Let’s look beyond the hype: What are the tangible benefits, challenges, and future opportunities of AI-driven marketing strategies?

Amidst the burgeoning hype around generative AI, the Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions (NIM) embarked on a comprehensive study to peel back the layers of excitement and examine the concrete impacts of generative AI on marketing practices. Conducted across Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States, this study surveyed 600 B2C marketing professionals to ascertain invaluable insights into the actual adoption, benefits, and hurdles of generative AI in marketing.

More information about the project as well as further publications can be found here.



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Buder, F., Hesel, N., & Heimstädt, A. (2024): Beyond the Buzz: Creating Marketing Value with Generative AI. Research Report, Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions.

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