
2007 – European Consumer Study II

Health in Europe - Volume II


1. introduction

2. the treatment of a cold

3. attitudes towards health

3.1 Control beliefs about health

3.2 attitudes towards the use of medication

4. satisfaction with medical services

4.1 Satisfaction with medical services when visiting a doctor

4.2 Satisfaction with medical services in hospital

4.3 Medical treatment abroad

5. knowledge of prevention options

5.1 Knowledge of own blood pressure

5.2 Use of control examinations

5.3 Assessment of risk reduction through regular participation in breast cancer screening examinations (subgroup: women)

5.4 Reaction to a positive finding in a screening examination

5.5 Assessment of risk reduction through regular participation in screening examinations for prostate cancer (subgroup: men)

5.6 Reaction to a positive finding at a screening examination

5.7 Awareness of alarm symptoms for myocardial infarction

5.8 Awareness of alarm symptoms for stroke

5.9 Behavior when alarm symptoms for stroke occur

6. factors influencing health

6.1 Physical activity

6.2 Tobacco consumption

6.3 Alcohol consumption

6.4 Dietary habits

7. satisfaction with individual areas of life

8. conclusion and outlook

9. research method

10. sociodemographic characteristics

11. biographical living environments

12 Duke Health Profile and Giessen Complaint Form

12.1 Duke Health Profile

12.2 Giessen Complaint Form (GBB-24)



The European Consumer Study 2007 produced by GfK-Nürnberg e.V. provides current information on fundamental developments for selected countries of the European Union and for 143 million inhabitants in Russia. The eight EU countries included in this study represent some 75% of consumers in the European Union, which now has 27 member countries and an overall population of 493 million inhabitants since the beginning of 2007 (cf. Fed. Stat. Office 2006a/Eurostat 2007a). The representative group of 14, 15 or 16 year olds and over, used for the empirical studies in these nine European countries, comprises 426 million private consumers in total.

Volume I of this European Consumer Study 2007, conducted in nine European countries, presents comparative national findings on the following topics:

  • selected basic indicators on health
  • people’s own estimates of their health
  • acuteness of physical ailments
  • frequency of ailments
  • use of selected drug categories
  • use of information sources relating to health issues

Once again, the chief hallmark of the following presentation concerns the relevant structural differences between the individual countries. In places where significant differences are apparent inside the respective countries, a separate reference is made to these. For all nine countries, the current findings were also investigated in terms of differences within biographical lifeworlds (cf. GfK-Nürnberg e.V. 2005a/Kleining 2007/Chap.11).



Ronald Frank
Publication title
2007 – European Consumer Study II
Other Publications

2007 - European Consumer Study II - Health in Europe


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