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  • Three new members on the Executive Board of the Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions


PR Three new members on the Executive Board of the Nürnberg Institute for Market Decisions Simplification and…


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Three new members on the Executive Board of the Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions

Simplification and streamlining of the committees

Nuremberg, 4 July 2019: The General Assembly of the Nürnberg Institut für Marktentscheidungen e.V. (Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions)  - founder and anchor shareholder of GfK SE - approved the simplification and streamlining of the institute's committees on Wednesday, June 26, 2019. The Members’ Council was reduced from seven to six members in the course of new and re-elections. Mrs Xiaoqun Clever, Dr Manuel Cubero and Dr Martin Golücke were newly elected to the Members’ Council. The number of members in the Executive Board of the Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions was also reduced - from five to four.

At the proposal of the Executive Board, three new members, Xiaoqun Clever, Dr. Manuel Cubero and Dr. Martin Goluecke, were elected to the Members’ Council at the 85th Annual General Assembly of the Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions on 26 June 2019: Xiaoqun Clever has over 20 years of experience as technology manager in various companies; Dr. Manuel Cubero held the positions of Chief Commercial Officer of Vodaphone Deutschland and CEO of Kabel Deutschland Holding AG until the end of June 2019; Dr. Martin Golücke was member of the Executive Board of Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG and is a lecturer for trade management at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel.

The new Chairman of the Members’ Council is Dr. Manuel Cubero, who follows Claus-P. Rach. The former Chairman Rach was no longer available for re-election due to reaching the age limit - nor were Prof. Dr. Hanns-Jürgen Weigel (Deputy Chairman), Dr. Manfred Stach and Dr. Steffen Stremme.

Dr. Ulrich Maly, Dr. Stephanie Mair-Huydts and Dr. Hubertine Underberg-Ruder were re-elected to the Members’ Council at the proposal of the Executive Board.

"Our tasks as a responsible shareholder of GfK SE, in particular the current transformation of the company, have placed great demands on us and the Members’ Council. I would therefore like to thank Claus-P. Rach, who has supported us as Chairman of the Members’ Council for over ten years and whose work has made a great difference," said Manfred Scheske, President of the Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions. "Of course, my thanks also go to Dr. Stach, Dr. Stremme and Professor Weigel, who have also been with us for over ten years as members of the Members’ Council, providing us with valuable advice and great expertise.

About the Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions (NIM)

The Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions (formerly GfK Verein) is a non-profit organization for the research of consumer and market decisions. At the interface of science and practice, NIM examines how consumer and corporate decisions in markets are changing. The objective is to better understand both the decisions of consumers and the decisions of marketing managers and to use this knowledge to help improve the quality of market decisions. The Nürnberg Institut für Marktentscheidungen e.V. is the founder and anchor shareholder of GfK SE.

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