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  • GfK Rules Out Sales of Shares


GfK Rules Out Sales of Shares



Press release

GfK Rules Out Sales of Shares

Nuremberg, August 26, 2016 – The GfK Verein does not confirm media reports stating that there is a possibility that the GfK Verein will sell its shares. On the contrary, the Verein states that they have not considered doing this at any time and that selling part or even all of their GfK shares is not planned.

“The GfK Verein’s Articles of Association alone make it clear that selling shares is not an easy process, as the Executive Board and the Members’ Council would first have to approve such a proposal. And this is something they will not do,” says Professor Hubert Weiler, President of the GfK Verein. “A new Chairman of the Supervisory Board was elected at the GfK SE yesterday, which gives the leadership body a chance to analyze the company’s situation anew. As a majority shareholder, the GfK Verein will maintain its commitment to GfK SE over the long run. The Verein will do everything possible to ensure that the company returns to its long-term sustainable course of business,” Weiler continued.

The GfK Verein

The GfK Verein was established in 1934 as a non-profit organization for the promotion of market research. Its membership consists of approximately 550 companies and individuals. The purpose of the Verein is to develop innovative research methods in close cooperation with academic institutions, to promote the training and further education of market researchers, to observe the structures and developments in society, the economy and politics that play a key role in private consumption, and to research their effects on consumers. Survey results are made available to the membership free of charge. The GfK Verein is a shareholder in GfK SE.
Further information: NIM.
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D-90419 Nuremberg
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