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DEG and GfK promote market research in Africa

  • Workshops for academics in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa
  • Market research planned as major study course
  • GfK SE and GfK Verein invest 1.45 million euros, complemented by 1.13 million euros by DEG from funds of


Market research is virtually unknown in Africa. Consequently, companies as well as political institutions and development cooperation organisations lack reliable data for their work. A joint project of DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, and the German market research company GfK is to fill this gap: It aims at establishing market research on an international level in four African countries. GfK SE and GfK Verein invest a total of 1.45 million euros in the project. DEG complements this amount by 1.13 million euros from funds of the Programme of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

“It is not only companies and politics who benefit from market research. Above all, this labour-intensive sector creates employment for the local population, thus bringing about improvements to their living conditions,” said Dr Michael Bornmann, member of DEG's Management Board.

“Our commitment in Africa creates a win-win-win situation: DEG contributes to the development of the economic infrastructure of these countries, whereas GfK improves its access to trained staff. At the same time, GfK Verein is fulfilling two of its main purposes, set out in its articles of association: to support the education of market researchers and to strengthen the cooperation with universities,” commented Prof. Dr. Raimund Wildner, Managing Director and Vice- President of GfK Verein on the project.

Presently Africa particularly lacks the necessary know-how and training opportunities, required for sound market research. This is where the PPP project comes in: GfK SE, one of the world’s largest research companies, and GfK Verein, shareholder of GfK SE, offer training measures to professors and employees from universities in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. The first of these transnational workshops for lecturers is currently taking place in Pretoria.

With this support, universities in these four African countries will be able to offer study courses with orientation towards market research: the University of Pretoria, the University of Nairobi, the School of Media and Communication (Pan-African University) of Nigeria and the Central University College of Ghana.

As of summer of 2012, students will be provided with training in the fields of conception, evaluation and statistics. Furthermore it is planned to set up market research academies for local experts that will be trained on how to conduct interviews and data collection. Later on, graduates from these universities, together with graduates from the market research academies, will collect basic data on their respective countries in the context of a pilot study.

The GfK Verein

The GfK Verein was established in 1934 as a non-profit organization for the promotion of market research. Its membership consists of approximately 600 companies and individuals. The purpose of the Verein is to develop innovative research methods in close cooperation with academic institutions, to promote the training and further education of market researchers, to observe the structures and developments in society, the economy and politics that play a key role in private consumption, and to research their effects on consumers. Survey results are made available to the membership free of charge. The GfK Verein is a shareholder in GfK SE.
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