Research Communication Manager
Tobias Biró
Tobias Biró joined the Nuremberg Institute for Market Decisions in the area of Research Communication in September 2022. In this position, he strengthens the NIM team in research communication. He works closely with Sandra Lades, Head of Communication & Events, to prepare research findings for practical application. In addition, Tobias Biró contributes to the research context of NIM: he designs and conducts surveys.
With a degree in political science, he has long experience in communicating complex scientific topics. He was previously at the Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (f-bb), where he expanded press and social media activities and also worked with professional online survey systems. Before that, he worked for several years as a research assistant and communications officer for members of the state parliament.

Selected publications
- Nürnberg Institut für Marktentscheidungen (2024). Challenges of Marketing. Which tasks need to be solved in marketing. A survey of marketing decision-makers in eight countries
- Nürnberg Institut für Marktentscheidungen (2023). Challenges of Nations. Welche großen Aufgaben heute und in Zukunft in der Gesellschaft zu lösen sind. Eine Befragung in acht Ländern.
- Biró, T., & Neus, A. (2023). Greenwashing vs. Greenacting: Wünsche, Erwartungen und Perspektiven von Konsumenten und Marketingmanagern in acht Ländern. NIMpulse 2023-4.