MAPP Centre, Universität Aarhus
Gemeinsam mit Forschern des MAPP-Zentrums der Universität Aarhus untersucht das NIM Determinanten und Treiber nachhaltigen Konsums. Im Speziellen geht es darum, zu untersuchen, ob und inwiefern Konsumenten durch Nudges zu nachhaltigerem Konsum angehalten werden können.
Über das MAPP Centre der Universität Aarhus
The MAPP Centre is an interdisciplinary research centre at the Department of Management at Aarhus University with over 30 years of experience in generating consumer behaviour insights in the area of food systems, leading the field with actionable implications for industry and public policy in Denmark. Most research at the MAPP Centre is done in cooperation with companies, trade associations, and researchers – both nationally and internationally – in adjacent areas as well as in non-adjacent areas, mainly within food, technology and agricultural production.