

Corona – What Can We Learn from the Crisis? Decisions of consumers and managers and what companies should consider in…

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Nürnberg Institut für Marktentscheidungen (2020). Corona – Aus der Krise lernen: Entscheidungen von Konsumenten und Managern und was Unternehmen in Zukunft beachten sollten. NIM Research Report.



Publication title
Corona – What Can We Learn from the Crisis?
NIM Research Report

Corona – What Can We Learn from the Crisis?

Decisions of consumers and managers and what companies should consider in the future

Due to the corona crisis, decisions have been made worldwide in recent months that many of us would have thought impossible at the beginning of the year. Since our focus is on researching market decisions, we have taken up this special situation in our research work and have published the results for you in this report. Under the title “Corona – What Can We Learn from the Crisis?”, we have examined current events and their effects from various perspectives. You will find in this special publication the results of our studies as well as a historical article, which looks back at the time of the Spanish flu. In addition, we discuss the world after COVID-19 – and possible ways out of the crisis – in two talks with renowned researchers.

Our goal is to support you in making the best decisions for your company and for a functioning positive post-corona world.


Head of Communication and Events

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